my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文(精选11篇) 您所在的位置:网站首页 you were dreaming of me翻译 my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文(精选11篇)

my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文(精选11篇)

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my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文(精选11篇)

  导语:童年宛如乐谱,谱写出一件又一件的趣事,童年是雨后的彩虹,是一本记忆的画卷,更是那最值得我们回忆的美丽时光。啊,童年,你是多么令人神往! 本文是小编为大家整理的想,英语范文,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!

my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文(精选11篇)

  my happy childhood我的.快乐童年英语作文 篇1

  I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true emotions.

  They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults.

  In their world, all real thoughts are presented.

  They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity.

  They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.

  Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

  I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇2

  Some people say that childhood is colorful, others say that childhood is carefree, others say that childhood is beautiful and pure... No matter where you are and whether you have grown up or not, childhood is always worth remembering, commemorating and cherishing

  I remember that time, there was a little dog in my family. It was brought by my mother from someone elses house. I like this little dog very much. When my father and my mother go to work, I play with it. When they go home, they are surprised. I hold the little dog to sleep in the quilt. I am a mother. They are my children. Mother quickly took the dog down.

  Time is like a bird, watching birds fly by our window one by one, but we cant keep it, no longer owned by us. In the twinkling of an eye, as soon as I grew up, the dog became a big dog. Its not the one I used to hold it with both hands. Grandpa also tied it with a rope (because it gave birth to a puppy. He was a mother and protected the child. When someone was there, he thought it was an enemy and bit it!). I remember that time, my classmates came to my house to play. When they were having a good time, the ball fell into the kennel. They all knew my bite, so they told me to pick up the ball. I said, "its all right.

  My dog doesnt bite, but its obedient now!" they sent a person to pick up the ball, "woof woof" twice, and then "wow" came, and my grandfather ran out quickly, As soon as he saw that he was bitten by a dog, he rushed to the hospital. It cost two or three hundred dollars. Looking back, its funny. I wont do stupid things in my childhood!

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇3

  When I got to the park, I was still far away from the ha ha mirror hall. I heard laughter from time to time. In order not to laugh, I deliberately walked forward with a straight face.

  After entering the ha ha mirror hall, I saw a man coming face-to-face. He had a pot on his back and a protruding chest. There was a big bag on his right face and a big pit on his left face. What was more ugly was that he had two eyes, one big like an egg and the other small like a mung bean. "Oh! Who is this? Why is it so ugly!" my mother looked at my face, pointed at me with her fingers and said, "this is you!" "ha ha..." I couldnt help laughing and even shed tears.

  At this time, my father greeted me in front of the other mirror: "Ran Ran Ran, come and have a look!" I ran to have a look, oh! My father and I have become giants. They have the same big eyes as football, two big teeth, like two shovel. My father and I couldnt help laughing.

  As we continued to look, some mirrors showed people round and flat, like a nose and eyes growing on a big grinding plate; Some mirrors show people short and fat, rolling like a ball... There are more than a dozen mirrors in the museum, and many people laugh in front of each mirror.

  I couldnt help but ask my mother curiously, "Mom, why can the Harcourt mirror deform people?" my mother smiled and said, "because the Harcourt mirror is uneven, it looks strange when people shine. This is an optical phenomenon." I reluctantly left the Harcourt mirror Museum and felt very happy.

  It has been a long time, but it remains deeply in my memory. Because it not only makes me understand the principle of "ha ha mirror", but also brings me a lot of joy.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇4

  My childhood is happy, happy and carefree. Many interesting things have happened, which I still remember.

  I remember when I was six years old. On the weekend night, the sky was full of bright stars and the ground was full of bright moonlight. My friends and I played the game of "mice stealing oil" in the playground of the community. The rules of the game of "mice stealing oil" are: one person plays the role of "cat", and others play the role of "mouse". It is stipulated that one place is a "mouse hole" and one place is "oil". Mice must steal the "oil", otherwise they will starve to death. The "cat" is responsible for protecting the "oil" from being stolen by the "old mouse". If the "mouse" is caught, the caught "mouse" will play the role of "cat", but the "cat" You cant go into the "mouse hole" to catch the "mouse". We had a good time that day. Small partners continued to join us, and our laughter echoed in the night sky for a long time.

  When I was a child, I often took my friends home to play, play at home, change different clothes for dolls, and cook for dolls. Sometimes you pinch plasticine, villains, daily necessities and food, and the things you pinch are vivid.

  In summer, I go swimming with my friends in the swimming pool of the community. We enjoy the massage of water in the massage pool, which is very comfortable. When we get to the shallow water area, we will play in the water and have a water battle together to see who has a long diving time and who can swim far.

  I also like playing checkers. I often play checkers with my parents at home. At the beginning, they let me. Slowly, my level has improved. Dont let them let me draw with them.

  I especially like reading, especially childrens novels. When Im free, I always take out a book from the bookcase and read it with interest. On weekends, I will go to the bookstore to read books. There are often many children reading books like me.

  How happy my childhood was!

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇5

  Childhood is the truth in the dream and the dream in the truth; Childhood is a beautiful stone; Childhood is a brilliant light; Six years, we have come, but it is not easy for us to come. Sometimes they are scolded by teachers and parents; Sometimes fall back and hurt; Sometimes ravaged by others; All this is clearly in my mind.

  In my heart, there is one thing that I cant forget for a long time. That was the first time I broke down the computer.

  I cant go there in hot summer. Im stuck at home all day. At noon that day, as usual, I got up in the morning and had breakfast, but I went into my room to watch TV. I first turned on the computer, sat in my chair as if nothing had happened. After turning on the machine, I was searching for TV. I dont know what happened. The computer suddenly crashed. I thought I broke the computer again, but it really broke down. Later, I unplugged the cable, disassembled the host for research, and went through various debugging, I finally found out what was wrong with the computer. It turned out that the power supply of the computer burned out, and then I went out and asked my father for a new power supply (my family runs a computer repair shop). Walked into the room and replaced the old power supply. But because I was in a hurry when I disassembled it, I didnt know how to install it back later. I really couldnt understand it, but I finally installed it back. Just then, my mother suddenly came in and asked me what was going on. I told my mother what happened. My mother praised me as a little adult. Suddenly, I was really happy in my heart.

  From this, I understand that it is not very difficult to transform things, which also let me know the happiness of labor.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇6

  Childhood is beautiful! Childhood is happy! Childhood is also happy! I was born in a city in the northeast. It is located by the Songhua River. When summer comes, the white poplar and weeping willows on both sides reflect the clear river water, and the birds fly freely in the jungle.

  I live in a peaceful and happy family. Grandparents, aunts and uncles regard me as the apple of their eye because I am a child in this family. I grew up happily under their care and love. When I was a toddler, my grandparents took me to play in the park and play games in the playground every day. I remember my favorite game is driving a train. Whenever I get on the train, I dont want to get down and turn around! I didnt go home until the playground was empty. Once when my father came back from going out, he bought me an electric car. I was very happy. I sat on it and drove continuously. Finally, I fell asleep.

  And whenever I think of my father and uncle carrying me to fly a plane, I cant help grinning. They carry me running and running. When Im slow, I shout come on! come on. I didnt give up until they were so tired that they were sweating. My mother and aunt bought me the most beautiful clothes and fun toys. They dressed me up. The neighbors praised me as a beautiful snow white. My relatives have paid the most cordial love and care for me. I grow up happily day by day under their selfless love and care.

  Now I am a student in Grade 5 of primary school. In the past two years of study and life, I have seen the efforts of teachers and relatives to me. How can I repay them for their efforts to me? I only have to study hard, be excellent in both character and learning, and become a useful person in the future to repay the people who care and love me.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇7

  "On the banyan tree by the pond, Zhiniao is calling for summer. On the swing beside the playground, only the butterfly stops on it. Waiting for class, waiting for school, waiting for my childhood." while listening to the song of childhood, I think of some interesting things in my childhood. Hide and seek, catch ants, but I like flying kites best.

  When I was a child, I often flew kites by the river with my parents. I remember once, the weather was especially sunny, and my father and mother didnt have to go to work, so I decided to fly kites by the river.

  When I came to the river, I saw many kites in the sky, colorful and different colors, including red, white, purple... Fish shaped and octopus shaped... I unfolded my kite. At first, the kite always couldnt fly. Suddenly, a gust of wind came. I took advantage of this moment to unfold and fly. Im very happy. Im running on the river. I feel like flying. Its good. Just as I was flying, my hand loosened. I didnt know what was going on. The kite was farther and farther away from me. I didnt know that the kite line was broken until the kite disappeared. I feel very sad because I made the kite myself.

  I looked all over the river and the shore, but I still couldnt find the kite. I sat in the grass dejected. I remembered that I was still proud to make a kite half an hour ago. I was really sad. At dusk, my parents and I were ready to go home. I said goodbye to the kite.

  In my childhood, the happiest thing is flying kites. I hope some children like it too. I will take these things as the best memories of my childhood.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇8

  Childhood is like a boat and a soft and comfortable cradle; Sometimes its like a happy game. The memories of childhood are like magic masters dancing in a variety of ways

  I, a happy little girl who is naive, serious and respects her teachers, is careful and full of interest in whatever she does, and never misses any opportunity. Even a "giant" like a mosquito should take a big look.

  I still remember it was a hot summer vacation. I heard from my classmates at school that there were butterflies, bees and caterpillars in the garden... It was fun. I thought I could observe it again. So as soon as I finished school, I ran to my back garden and was stunned: where bees were collecting honey, butterflies were flying freely in the air, crickets were singing... It was a fairyland on earth!

  I left my schoolbag and collected some plant specimens and insect specimens. I studied there for a long time. I didnt go home until my mother anxiously found me.

  In the evening, I was scolded by my mother, but I didnt admit defeat, because this is my interest and no one can beat me. So I began to convince my mother. In the end, I wasted my strength to convince my mother. I was elated and shouted "I won" in my dream at night.

  My childhood dream was to be a scientist like Darwin! I know the dream is far away, but as long as you work hard, there is absolutely nothing that cant be realized

  The happiness and dream of childhood will become the best memories with your growth. Lets recall the wonderful moments together!

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇9

  My childhood is colorful. There are many stories in my childhood, so Ill give you one of them!

  That happened when I was in the dance class. Although the story was full of sweat and tears, the most important thing was that it also brought me happiness.

  In the dance class, every night I either practice leg skills or waist skills. A difficult day is about to begin. First of all, of course, cheating is the most difficult action in the dance. At the beginning, I couldnt press straight. Again and again, sweat flowed down along the hairline, and then I couldnt help crying. The teacher standing on the side also worked hard with me. Seeing that I couldnt press well, he was also worried. He always asked me to insist and insist again. The mother who accompanied me to class kept cheering for me. But it still didnt succeed. The teacher said that this action must be practiced every day and persevered, not overnight. She asked her mother to take me home and continue to urge me to practice.

  When I got home, my mother asked me to stretch my legs against the wall according to the teachers method. "Oh" I shouted, and a burst of pain made me grin. Mom ran over and slowly helped me straighten my legs. Again and again, I feel relaxed gradually. At this time, my mother said, "practice by yourself next." but I took my mother and said, "Mom, dont go away." my mother said gently, "if you love to fight, you will win. If you encounter any difficulties, you have to face them bravely."

  After listening to my mothers words, my heart warmed for a long time. At the critical moment, as soon as I gritted my teeth, I finally succeeded, and my legs finally stuck tightly to the wall. Suddenly I was ecstatic and shouted, "I succeeded, I succeeded!" before the sweat was dry, tears came out again, but this time it was happy tears.

  Although I suffered a lot, in the process of practicing cheating, I realized the happiness of success. There are many such things in childhood. Every time I think of them, I always laugh involuntarily.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇10

  Childhood is happy. There are many things worth remembering in my childhood. Now please listen to my happy childhood.

  It was a hot summer. I was idle at home. Watching my friends swimming happily in the river, I was very envious, so I decided to learn swimming. Its difficult to learn to swim. If youre not careful, youll choke on the water. At this time, a sense of fear appeared in my heart, which made me frightened, but when I saw the level River, I thought: Im still a man. Whats to be afraid of? My fear vanished without a trace.

  I came to the dock, wearing a bathing suit and fearlessly jumped into the river. In the water, I dont swim as easily as others. I work very hard, as if my hands and feet are against me. I dont listen to the command. I go east, but it goes West. Soon, I can swim around in the water like others. I decided to take off my swimsuit and drag it with both hands for fear of choking on the water. At first, I was as comfortable as before. But after a while, it felt very laborious. Because I was nervous, my hand loosened. Unexpectedly, the swimsuit suddenly ran out of my palm. I drank several mouthfuls of river water in a row and choked me. I dont know when I grabbed my swimsuit in my hand and I was saved. Looking at the calm and dangerous river, I couldnt "look at the river and sigh". I decided to continue swimming until I learned it. Just then, I thought of a wonderful way. Is to swim around with your hands dragging the boat. Sure enough, this method is very effective. I learned to swim in a short time.

  Although the swimming was choked several times, I tasted the joy of success. "Insist, insist, insist again", these seven big words have been floating in my mind.

  my happy childhood我的快乐童年英语作文 篇11

  Childhood is like that winding path, let us grow up; Childhood is like a rainbow after a storm, colorful and gorgeous. Childhood fills us with happiness.

  Xiaomei, Xiaogang, Xiaojun, Xiaohong, Xiaolan and I went to the boundless lawn to hold a banquet. Xiaogang looked at Xiaojun with a smile and lay on the grass. Xiaogang held his head in his hand, turned his head and opened his mouth. WOW! Xiao Jun sings well! Xiao Jun squatted on the grass. The ring finger of his left hand pressed the string and his right hand moved the string. The sound was so beautiful and moving that he sang while playing. Xiaomei also danced gracefully with the moving song. Xiaomei kicked her feet. Xiaohong holds a chicken leg in her left hand and hides something delicious behind her right hand. The kitten seems to be saying, "master, whats behind you?" Xiaolan seems to be looking at how lovely the banana yellow kitten is. Xiaolan is lying on the grass.

  A group of birds came from the sky, and colorful feathers fell on our heads, even all over the world. The clouds in the sky are like pillows, which can make people fall asleep quickly. The clouds are like an elephant and a lion. Many children in the distance hold balloons. Suddenly, the balloons flew higher and higher. Soon, the balloon disappeared out of thin air like a witch. There is a road next to the grass. People on the road come and go in different forms: "some stroll the street, some sell vegetables, and some pick up children from school.

  This banquet has left a beautiful memory of our childhood. There is a breath of childhood around us. Behind us, childhood is like the shadow of the future. Cherish every happy childhood.

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